Friday, July 6, 2012

Use Login Approvals To Secure Your Facebook Account

After recently finding suspicious Active Sessions on my Facebook page, I decided to secure my page with the "Login Approvals" feature. I never dreamed anyone would want to gain access to my FB account, there isn't any sensitive information stored that will greatly impact my life or provide any financial reward for anyone. Nevertheless, I'm a stickler for security. Especially after my security has been breached. Best practices dictate proactivity, but even I find it difficult to be proactive when the threat to my security is infinitesimal. I regularly change my passwords and use strong passwords at every turn. Even if someone happens to gain access to my email account, all they will find is a couple of emails from mom and WHOLLOTTA spam. Want to find out where I live? Great, c'mon over. It's no big secret. My name address is on multiple websites, mailing lists, and millions of telemarketers have my phone number. Even the clerk at the local gas station knows my name and where to find me. Big deal. For me, the fact that someone has accessed a lot of useless information about me doesn't bother me. The fact that there are suspicious sessions on my FB account does.

Login Approvals is quick and easy to setup. After a couple of "are you sure" screens, you will be sent a text with a code to enter into confirmation box. After verifying the device, it is added to the recognized device list. After that, every time you use an unrecognized device to access your account, you will be sent a text containing a code to enter instead of your password. The downside is you have to wait for the code. It arrives pretty quickly, though. The upside is if anyone else tries to access your account you will be notified.

And that's what I'm looking for. Control over my account. I now feel like the balance power has shifted back to my court. I would recommend using this feature to every FB user. Even if you use a hundred (or a million) different devices to get your FB fix, it would be well worth the time it takes to register every one.

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